Sergey Samoilenko
“Live carefully!”
Born and raised in Kamchatka, in the family of a volcanologist and artist-architect. Since childhood, I was imbued with the spirit of travel and research, as a boy I went “to the fields” with volcanological detachments. Then he set off on his way: to Novosibirsk for education, to Korea for scientific work, and finally returned to Kamchatka to give it his life and give Kamchatka to visiting guests.
I have been studying volcanoes for more than twenty years, and I never cease to admire how much our planet is penetrated by living force and energy! Physicist, volcanologist, teacher and storyteller, I now call myself a popularizer of science. But, probably, what I do, talking about volcanoes or about mathematics, about the wonders of Nature or about the beauty of our world, is, rather, the popularization of happiness, love and the joy of learning.
“Furious and Stubborn” about Sergey Samoilenko in Tatyana Mitkova’s project “Cool Story” (NTV, 2019).
Alena Samoilenko
“Joy is an invincible force”
Born and raised in the suburbs, built a career and business in Yaroslavl. In 2014, she came to Kamchatka on a business tour and discovered a new life for herself – in an amazingly powerful place, with an extraordinary person. A life full of love, joy and creation of new
This woman has inspired many people to beautiful actions, helped her husband to realize his dream, and now she helps many people around him to believe in themselves and decide to create the life of their dreams
George Zavyalov
“Life is the only chance to get to know the world around us and understand that we are incredibly lucky to see it.”
I am Muscovite in the third generation. My ancestors came to Moscow, who came from the Don steppes and from Poland, from the Pomeranian north and from St. Petersburg. I, on the contrary, disappear from Moscow to various corners of our planet at the first opportunity that arises.
Communication, work, overcoming the difficulties of the path and gaining new experience – these are the things that fill my travels with meaning, and with them my whole life. Campaigns, business trips, filming in the cinema, the study of genealogy and history, theatrical trainings and the organization of cultural events … And all this is in hundreds of places: from Spitsbergen to Africa and Asia, from the Americas to Kamchatka. I have been wandering and hiking since 1988, and since 2015, I have a conscious need to share with others what I love and know.
I am a guide, and I will help you to go through that part of your life path that during the journey will become our shared experiences.
Alexander Meshchankin
“I’m just a guide to the adventure … Kamchatka itself reveals its secrets to all those who“ strongly desire ”regardless of their physical or other abilities …”
I’m Kamchatkan in the 3rd generation, more than 20 years of experience in tourism (interpreter – guide assistant – guide – manager – travel agency head), 10 years worked as a teacher at the University of Tourism, thanks to which I took up social tourism, first for young people, then the active “silver generation” pulled itself up. Now I am developing a project of social entrepreneurship (travel for people with health problems – tours and accommodation with a universal design). I was surprised to learn that my activity with social groups of tourists is called social entrepreneurship, I was recognized as a social entrepreneur in 2011, 2015 and in 2019.
I like to share Kamchatka. People rejoice, enjoy the nature of the Kamchatka land, and I rejoice with them – this is the main thing that I get from my work.
I also have a wonderful wife, courageous and decisive, who gave me four children. It’s so interesting to watch and notice in them the reflection of myself and ancestors.
In this project I carry out the organizational function of forming a tourist product for people who want to travel with meaning.